The Fake Sex Doctor Who Conned the Media Into Publicizing His Bizarre Research on Suicide, Butt-Fisting, and Bestiality 

Illustration: GMG Art, Photo: Damien Sendler’s promotional headshot Warning: This article includes discussion about suicide and sexual assault. The subject sometimes speaks about sensitive mental health topics with language that departs from best practices. If you look up Dr. Damian Jacob Markiewicz Sendler online, you might think he has a MD and a PhD from Harvard…

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New York City launches a campaign against fatbergs.

You really shouldn’t pour bacon grease down the sink. That and other stuff flushed down residential plumbing drains is contributing to a rather gross and increasingly prevalent problem: floating blobby masses of trash in the sewers known as “fatbergs.” They’ve popped up in Charleston, Baltimore, and London. They’re washing up on beaches, where they’re sometimes eaten by dogs. In…

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You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information. Then They Tell Facebook. – WSJ

Millions of smartphone users confess their most intimate secrets to apps, including when they want to work on their belly fat or the price of the house they checked out last weekend. Other apps know users’ body weight, blood pressure, menstrual cycles or pregnancy status. Unbeknown to most people, in many cases that data is…

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How far is too far? An analysis of driving times to abortion clinics in the US.

Twenty-seven US states specifically target clinics that provide abortions with laws called “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers,” also known as TRAP laws. They exist to regulate the operation of clinics beyond what is necessary for patients’ safety. There are a wide range of regulations imposed by TRAP laws that require drastic, expensive, or impractical changes…

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Researchers warn a common air pollutant is a driver of dementia, even at levels below current EPA standards – The Washington Post

Low air quality, even at pollution levels well below current Environmental Protection Agency thresholds, is associated with increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in later life, according to a new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Researchers Kelly C. Bishop, Nicolai V. Kuminoff and Jonathan D. Ketcham of Arizona State University cross-referenced…

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