All of a Sudden, Economists Are Getting Real Jobs – Bloomberg View

John Maynard Keynes wrote in 1930 that “if economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.” Almost a century later, he’s getting his wish. Economists tend to be a grandiose bunch. They advise presidents and billionaires. They are generally unashamed about offering…

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Serious Academics Are Full of Shit

Some serious academics, according to Google Image Search. Last week, a Serious Academic™exhausted hundreds of words denouncing the use of social media by his colleagues while insinuating that selfie culture poses an existential threat to academic life. The social media backlash from other serious academics was swift and on point, reminding us that many scientists…

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Psychologists say single people are more fulfilled. I’m getting to understand why | Sara Benincasa | Opinion | The Guardian

There remains a pervasive notion that happiness can only truly come from finding a spouse, lest one rot of loneliness in some dusty attic. But a new study out of the University of California at Santa Barbara provides a very different view of singledom, one that this single woman finds enormously encouraging. In work presented…

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