Cop body slams 12-year-old girl on camera

:32 A killer planet is rapidly heading towards earth Scientists believe that they have discovered an as-of-yet unnamed planet, currently being referred to as Planet 9. Unfortunately, this might not be great news, since the planet’s orbit might cause asteroids to come shooting at the Earth. :35 Cop body slams 12-year-old girl on camera A…

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Arianna: Office Nap Rooms Will Soon Be As Common As Conference Rooms

Huffington Post Media Group Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington predicts that nap rooms in offices are going to be “as common as conference rooms” in the next two years. Huffington’s mission: to eliminate the stigma long associated with sleeping at work. Napping on the job used to “mean [that employees were] not as dedicated, not as hard-working,” she…

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Our Natural History, Endangered –

Richard Conniff When people talk about natural history museums, they almost always roll out the well-worn descriptive “dusty,” to the great exasperation of a curator I know. Maybe he’s annoyed because he’s spent large sums of his museum’s money building decidedly un-dusty climate-controlled storage sites, and the word implies neglect. (“Let me know,” the curator…

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WATCH: Clinton goes off on Greenpeace activist: “I am so sick” of the Sanders campaign bringing up my fossil fuel money –

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton went off on an environmental activist on Thursday, after being asked about the large sums of fossil fuel-linked cash she has received. At a Clinton rally on the State University of New York at Purchase campus, Eva Resnick-Day, an activist with the environmental justice group Greenpeace, asked Clinton, “Will you…

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