“Picture yourself as a stereotypical male” | MIT Admissions

  There is empirical evidence to support the idea that males have a higher capacity for spatial reasoning than females. A large-scale 1995 meta-analysis found that on average, men outperform women in a cluster of tests related to spatial ability by nearly a full standard deviation, and in attempt to explain this, researchers have hypothesized about…

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Meet the Hollywood Prop Designer Making NASA’s Spacesuits | VICE | United States

All photos by the author Chris Gilman made a name for himself as a Hollywood prop designer, specializing in space-related movie props and effects for films like Deep Impact, Star Trek, and Armageddon. His company, Global Effects Inc, became notorious in the industry for their unparalleled ability to manufacture hyperrealistic space suits—the kind that mirrored…

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A Driving App That Crowdsources the Weather – IEEE Spectrum

It’s a cold day in winter and you’re driving on dry pavement when your dashboard flashes a warning: black ice up ahead. You slow down, engage your four-wheel drive and start watching for other drivers who might not be so well informed as you. That scene, straight out of the connected-car playbook, would seem to require a few more years of public investment in smart…

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“Injustice Collectors”: How to Understand Vester Flanagan’s Manifesto | The New Republic

Vester Flanagan was determined to explain himself. After murdering two TV journalists (and former coworkers) during a live broadcast in Virginia on Wednesday, he faxed three different suicide notes to ABC News that were strewn with absurdities, contradictions, and baffling rationalizations. Flanagan, who was black and went by the name Bryce Williams on air, complained…

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Is Rick from Rick & Morty The Ideal Scientist? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios – YouTube

Rick and Morty! Tweet us! http://bit.ly/pbsideachanneltwitter Idea Channel Facebook! http://bit.ly/pbsideachannelfacebook Talk about this episode on reddit! http://bit.ly/pbsideachannelreddit Idea Channel IRC! http://bit.ly/pbsideachannelirc Email us! pbsideachannel [at] gmail [dot] com Rick Sanchez, the erratic scientist from Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty is nothing short of brilliantly talented, but his crazy antics and experiments place him on a…

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