Anti-science advocates are freaking out about Google truth rankings –

Google could launch an effort to keep trolls and bad information at bay, with a program that would rank websites according to veracity, and sort results according to those rankings. Currently, the search engine ranks pages according to popularity, which means that pages containing unsubstantiated celebrity gossip or conspiracy theories, for example, show up very…

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The Republican Fetish With Water Bottles – The New York Times

Photo Credit Eleanor Taylor The National Park Service has a cautious, sensible policy that allows parks to ban the sale of plastic water bottles. Those that do so are required to provide easily accessible filling stations at which visitors can replenish their own containers — or fill reusable bottles sold at park concessions — with…

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New Orleans Crotch Cricket Rate Off The Charts, So Let’s Not Teach Sex Ed | Wonkette

How’s this for a surprise? Louisiana, where abstinence-only sex ed is mandatory and schools are actually forbidden by law from teaching about contraception and STDs, has the cities with the highest and second-highest STD infection rates in this great nation of ours. Cosmopolitan New Orleans is actually #2 in that competition, with the top prize…

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Study: Low status men more likely to bully women online

Many people have experienced harassment or bullying online. However, the victims of such harassment are disproportionately women. Women receive up to 10 times more negative comments than men in online chatrooms and three times the negativity when playing online games. Some have argued this is because women are entering male-dominated spaces that are full of…

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Power-Hungry Men Sabotaging Women’s Birth Control Is a Real Issue

‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads = ‘1’; google_ad_type = ‘text’; google_feedback = ‘on’; google_skip = google_adnum; google_ad_channel = ‘1102379497’; Judging by tabloid talk shows, crazy ladies regularly cut holes…

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Echo chamber of outrage: Ars attends a climate skeptics’ summit | Ars Technica

Let’s get conferencing.Scott K. Johnson cache hit 4268:single/related:9c92142f52f0b65406824b9cfd80d29c empty “I accept that the planet has warmed,” said conservative columnist Mark Steyn from the podium. “And I rejoice that it is warm.” Steyn was one of many speakers at the libertarian Heartland Institute’s 10th “International Conference on Climate Change,” a major event for climate science contrarians. The two-day conference, held…

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