‘We failed.’ Toronto Star publisher says the paper’s HPV vaccine article ‘let down’ readers | As It Happens with Carol Off and Jeff Douglas | CBC Radio

For a week, The Toronto Star has been taking criticism over a story detailing health problems experienced by young women after they took the HPV vaccine. Some in the medical community called it alarmist and scientifically-unsound. The publisher, John Cruickshank, now says the paper failed the public and let them down. Cruickshank tells As It Happens…

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“The way God intended”: California parents are having ‘measles parties’ instead of vaccinating their kids – Salon.com

Marin County is the odd hippie commune in the college that is the United States. You know what I’m talking about — that rundown house on the edge of campus which you would walk by only to get to the Arts Center, because passing by meant watching unwashed students spitting kombucha into each other’s mouths….

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This Anti-vaxxer children’s book is getting destroyed in Amazon troll campaign – Salon.com

In 2012, a proactive Australian anti-vaxxer named Stephanie Messenger self-published a children’s book called “Melanie’s Marvelous Measles.” With the book, Messenger endeavored to “educate children on the benefits of having measles and how you can heal from them naturally and successfully.” The book’s illustrated cover features a girl frolicking in a meadow with her stomach…

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