Amazon Go, drone deliveries, and self-driving cars will kill our need to talk to anyone ever — Quartz

This week, Amazon announced that it’s launching a new type of grocery store. You walk in, pick up the boxes of food you want, and you walk out. Thanks to a combination of modern tracking technology, artificial intelligence, and a mobile app that has your payment information, you don’t need to interact with a single…

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Silicon Valley Stumbles in World Beyond Software – WSJ

Silicon Valley’s push into the physical world “is going to be a much longer, slower process, especially in the next couple of chapters,” said Andrew McAfee, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who studies technology’s impact on society. That timeline isn’t typical for Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched the search engine—then called BackRub—in…

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Pebble 2, Time 2 + All-New Pebble Core by Pebble Technology — Kickstarter

Anyone familiar with Team Pebble knows full well: keeping quiet isn’t our style. We love sharing Pebble’s story with you—whether it’s a new product, fresh feature, or simply staying in touch online and in person. Aside from announcing Pebble’s 4.3 software updates, our silence over the past month was deafening and out-of-character—we’re sorry for that….

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A world without the Mac Pro –

It’s looking increasingly likely that there will never be another Mac Pro. Here’s why that would be a shame. Pro buyers depend on Apple to make the hardware that satisfies our needs. And we’re flexible. We’ve adapted over the years to new CPU architectures, port changes, capability changes, price increases, and a slower update pace….

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