This insanely popular YouTube channel is making bank off fake science | The Outline

An enormously popular YouTube video, uploaded last month by an account called Ridddle, explores a bong-rip hypothetical: What if someone detonated a thermonuclear bomb in the depths of the Marianas Trench? In the seven minute clip, a gravelly-voiced narrator uses convincingly scientific-sounding language — at least at first. As it goes on, though, the video’s…

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A film critic was suspended for allegedly buying fake Twitter followers. Justified or overreaction?

A film critic was suspended for allegedly buying fake Twitter followers. Justified or overreaction? By Paul Farhi January 31, 2018 at 4:03 PM The greatest asset for all journalists is their credibility — the track record of accuracy that makes news consumers believe what they have to say. At the same time, journalists are profoundly…

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Facebook Users Cry ‘Censorship’ After Being Told Which Russian Troll Pages They Liked

Image: Wikimedia/Facebook/Gizmodo As the FBI’s investigation into Russian election interference reaches a fever pitch, Facebook rolled out a new News Feed alert Monday night. The bulletin told users who followed pages created by Russian trolls that those pages have been removed. And some of the affected users did not like this. A brief search revealed…

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