The unpredictable course of live streaming has caught us unprepared | Media | The Guardian

Although live streaming capabilities have been around for more than five years, the ubiquity of the livestream has only really taken flight with the advent of “Facebook Live”. This week at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the largest broadcaster by some measures will be Facebook. There will be a Facebook Live facility where…

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Pando: Revealed in court: 100% cast iron evidence of how Uber lies to secretly investigate and smear its critics

I’ve been meaning to write about this all week, but the weirdness of Brogan BamBrogan got in the way. A week or so ago, a judge ordered the release of documents that show beyond all reasonable doubt that Uber hired a CIA-linked private investigation firm to investigate the personal and professional life of Portland attorney Andrew…

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Theranos Founder, Elizabeth Holmes, Is Barred From Running Lab for 2 Years – The New York Times

Photo Elizabeth Holmes, the founder and chief executive of Theranos, has seen her personal wealth fall from $4.5 billion to zero. Credit Brendan McDermid/Reuters United States regulators have banned Elizabeth Holmes, the chief executive of Theranos, from owning or operating a medical laboratory for at least two years, in a major setback for the embattled…

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Secretive Alphabet division aims to fix public transit in US by shifting control to Google | Technology | The Guardian

Sidewalk Labs, a secretive subsidiary of Alphabet, wants to radically overhaul public parking and transportation in American cities, emails and documents obtained by the Guardian reveal. Its high-tech services, which it calls “new superpowers to extend access and mobility”, could make it easier to drive and park in cities and create hybrid public/private transit options…

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Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem – The New York Times

Photo Credit Bianca Bagnarelli ACCORDING to some prominent voices in the tech world, artificial intelligence presents a looming existential threat to humanity: Warnings by luminaries like Elon Musk and Nick Bostrom about “the singularity” — when machines become smarter than humans — have attracted millions of dollars and spawned a multitude of conferences. But this…

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The worst thing I read this year, and what it taught me… or Can we design sociotechnical systems… — Medium

The worst thing I read this year, and what it taught me… or Can we design sociotechnical systems that don’t suck I found Shane Snow’s essay on prison reform — “How Soylent and Oculus Could Fix the Prison System” — through hatelinking. Friends of mine hated the piece so much that normally articulate people were at a loss for…

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