Canada Denies Entry to Blood-Drinking Libertarian Senate Candidate from Florida

Photo via Blood-drinking pagan and Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate Augustus Sol Invictus was denied entry to Canada this weekend, reports. In a press release, Invictus, who is running to replace Marco Rubio, said that he was barred over ties to neo-Nazis.… “Yes, I Drank the Goat’s Blood,” Says Florida’s Pagan, Libertarian,…

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Federal Law Criminalizes Protesting Trump Now That He’s Guarded by the Secret Service

While he otherwise exhibits many of the traits of a stand-up comedian, laying into his rivals like an insult comic at a roast, Donald Trump’s inability to tolerate heckling, or even silent protest, has made the spectacle of critics being forcibly removed from his rallies a routine feature of his campaign. On Monday, though, the preemptive removal…

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Milo Yiannopoulos says college rape culture is a myth.

  Milo Yiannopoulos.Photo illustration by Lisa Larson-Walker. Photo by Kmeron/LeWeb/Flickr CC. This post originally appeared on Inside Higher Ed. In a packed auditorium Wednesday, several students at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, interrupted ultradivisive conservative writer and speaker Milo Yiannopoulos with blaring air horns. Outside, more student protesters held signs reading “End rape culture”…

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Can you guess which is the mother? Erm, yes we can

LONDON — Remember that picture that did the rounds recently, of a mother with her two daughters where you just couldn’t figure out which was which? The one featuring Kaylan Mahomes with her mom and her twin that had everyone flummoxed for a while? Mom, twin & me.❤️ — Kaylan Mahomes (@kaylan_17) January 28,…

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