These Researchers Say They Can Predict Which Tweets Will Go Viral | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

With 288 million active users sending around 500 million tweets each day, Twitter offers plenty of opportunities to grab attention. Sometimes that attention is positive, as it was when semi-employed comedian Justin Halpern started the account Shit My Dad Says and found himself on the receiving end of book deals, mentions on The Daily Show,…

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Silicon Valley’s Sex Workers Are Being Priced Out of the City By Their Own Clients – The Daily Beast

An FBI crackdown and skyrocketing rents in San Francisco are forcing them to take side jobs—like driving for Uber—or leave. It’s a story built for headlines: Monied men in Silicon Valley create a demand for highly compensated sex work that can easily be coordinated using the same apps and services they create at their desk…

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NSFW — Medium

NSFW The image contained in this post shocked me — but it also made me think about art and censorship. An image is worth a thousand words, right? I think Plato said that, or maybe it was Miley Cyrus. And for the past day, I’ve been contemplating an image of a bloody knife-as-phallus, attached to a pair…

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Byline crackdown at The Wall Street Journal | Capital New York

paging_filterJournalists at The Wall Street Journal are grumbling about a new policy governing the number of people who can be credited with bylines or taglines on articles.Editors and reporters at Rupert Murdoch’s American broadsheet were informed this week that stories should generally carry no more than two bylines, including reporting credits that are often tagged…

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