Republican Presidential Contenders Are All Alone On The Anti-Vaccine Train

Entry Text WASHINGTON — While Republican presidential contenders are waffling on the issue of vaccinations, a bipartisan group of senators sought on Tuesday to squash bunk medical science that has led parents not to vaccinate their children.The conversation around vaccination has risen to national prominence recently as a measles outbreak has spread across more than…

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“The way God intended”: California parents are having ‘measles parties’ instead of vaccinating their kids –

Marin County is the odd hippie commune in the college that is the United States. You know what I’m talking about — that rundown house on the edge of campus which you would walk by only to get to the Arts Center, because passing by meant watching unwashed students spitting kombucha into each other’s mouths….

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Coming soon: ‘A meditative potted plant app,’ growing in real time – The Washington Post

The best virtual plant-growing app seed capital can buy? (Ice Water Games) Soon, all you’ll need to enjoy the exciting experience of watching plants grow is an app. At least, that appears to be the idea behind Viridi, a project in development from Ice Water Games. The developer describes Viridi as “a meditative potted plant app”…

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