Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away | US news | The Guardian

The Miami coastline: there are fears that even a 30cm rise in the sea level could be catastrophic. Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty A drive through the sticky Florida heat into Alton Road in Miami Beach can be an unexpectedly awkward business. Most of the boulevard, which runs north through the heart of the resort’s most opulent…

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Students File Complaints on Sexual Assaults at Columbia University –

Photo Students filed with the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights against Columbia University. Credit Robert Caplin for The New York Times Pressure on Columbia University to overhaul its approach to sexual assault and harassment reached a new pitch on Thursday, when a group of students filed complaints with the federal government, charging systematic mishandling…

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Building an open-source tool for embedding comments | Media news

Credit: Image by Thinkstock The desire to build a community and reader engagement around articles is a growing focus for publishers and organisations on the web. Community, social media or user-generated content teams have become a mainstay of digital news organisations, and further possibilities for engagement are explored regularly. Now business site CFO has thrown…

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Medicaid Per Enrollee Spending: Variation Across States | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Medicaid, the nation’s public health insurance program for low-income people, covers health and long-term care services for over 66 million Americans. Medicaid beneficiaries include many children, working families, low-income elderly, and individuals with disabilities. To participate in Medicaid, states are required to meet federal core requirements; however, states have significant flexibility to expand beyond program…

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Brooklyn Billionaire: How One Man Made A Fortune Rebuilding Dumbo

David Walentas paid $12 million for an entire Brooklyn neighborhood in 1979. He transformed it into one of New York’s glitziest locales. Photo: David Yellen For Forbes. Cash crises, political grudge matches, suicide. None of it stopped David Walentas from forging a ten-digit fortune by creating an entire neighborhood in New York’s underdog borough. And…

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How an impressionable media industry fell in love with fraud – Fortune

Ask someone who doesn’t work in advertising what it means to “make an impression,” you will likely get a reasonable response like “to do something that someone remembers.” However, inside the advertising industry, the definition of “impression” is not nearly as simple. Why? Because if you run an advertisement on TV, radio, or print, you…

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