University Study Finds Adblock Plus Could Save 40 Percent Network Bandwidth

[if lt IE 9]> < ![endif] University Study Finds Adblock Plus Could Save 40 Percent Network Bandwidth ‘);}googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display(“div-gpt-ad-MOBILE_BANNER-1”);});document.write(‘ ‘);} Vanquishing pesky pop-ups and vacuous videos reduces IP traffic in test enterprise network environment A Canadian university study has found that using the Adblock Plus browser extension can save between 25 and 40 percent network bandwidth...

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REFORM ADVERTISING — Whither news? — Medium

REFORM ADVERTISING …before it is too late Advertising is broken and we in journalism and media must take responsibility for reinventing it — because advertisers and their agencies will not and because our very survival depends upon it. The moral of the story of adblockers’ success is that the public has taken charge of its next industry — advertising….

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Darius Kazemi’s Ethical Ad Blocker Solves All Ethical Ad-Blocking Problems – The Atlantic

Last week, my colleague Adrienne and I examined a digital moral quandary: whether or not to install an ad-blocker. Ad blockers make browsing the web faster, more secure, and less of a drain on a phone’s battery; they also put a significant dent in web publishers’s business. After the newest version of Apple’s mobile operating…

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Welcome to hell: Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook and the slow death of the web | The Verge

So let’s talk about ad blocking. You might think the conversation about ad blocking is about the user experience of news, but what we’re really talking about is money and power in Silicon Valley. And titanic battles between large companies with lots of money and power tend to have a lot of collateral damage. iOS…

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No, you shouldn’t feel bad about using ad-blocking software – Fortune

In case the hysteria over ad-blocking software wasn’t already at a fever pitch, Apple’s new iOS version is now in the wild—complete with built-in support for ad blocking—and several ad blockers are topping the most-installed list. Is this an apocalypse for publishers, especially small ones? And if it is, does installing and using an ad…

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Ads on Ebay and Drudge Report Were Coopted by Malware for Three Weeks | Motherboard

For three weeks, an online criminal gang used popular sites such as eBay, the Drudge Report and to try to infect millions of internet users in one of the longest malvertising campaigns ever seen, according to a security firm. Using booby-trapped ads, commonly known as “malvertising,” is quickly becoming the most common way for…

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Websites: The Weight of Our Pages Matters: Associations Now

What’s This? Associations Now Brand Connection provides opportunities for advertisers to connect with the Associations Now audience. All content is paid for by the advertiser. The Associations Now editorial staff is not involved in creating this content.   As websites become increasingly complex and ad-laden, users are starting to rebel against overly “heavy” websites that…

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