You’re Not Mad at United Airlines; You’re Mad at America :: Politics :: Features :: United Airlines :: Paste

There’s a saying that is sometimes attributed to Karl Marx or Slavoj Zizek—apocryphally, in both cases—that tidily sums up the existential angst some Americans feel at the start of a traditional work week: You don’t hate Mondays. You hate capitalism. The simple thesis here is that there’s nothing intrinsic to “Monday,” which is just a…

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Possible Trump Science Advisor Compares Climate Science to ISIS, Tells Us Jezebel ‘Is Well Named’ 

Dr. William Happer, a retired Princeton physicist and trusted Breitbart expert, met with then president-elect Donald Trump in early January, reportedly to discuss the role of science advisor; he told The Guardian last month that if offered the post he would accept it. On inauguration day, in a colorful demonstration of his personal brand of…

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How a Republican Congressman Accidentally Disclosed a Secret Intelligence Debate – The New Yorker

Representative Peter King, of New York, revealed that the classified version of an intelligence report concluded “that historically Russians have supported Republicans.”CreditPHOTOGRAPH BY MARK PETERSON / REDUX FOR THE NEW YORKER Barrier Status: ‘none’ On Monday, when the House Intelligence Committee held its first public hearing about Russian involvement in the U.S. Presidential election, Republican…

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Taibbi on Trump the Destroyer – Rolling Stone

  It’s like the campaign never ended. It’s the same all-Trump, all-the-time madness, only exponentially worse. Morning, February 24th, National Harbor, Maryland, the Conservative Political Action Conference. Chin up, eyes asquint, Donald Trump floats to the lectern on a sea of applause and adulation. The building is shaking, and as fans howl his name –…

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The Daily 202: Trump’s health care ultimatum is straight out of ‘The Art of the Deal.’ It just might work. – The Washington Post

Donald Trump walks out of the White House to meet with truckers and CEOs on the South Lawn yesterday. (Photo by Melina Mara/The Washington Post) With Breanne Deppisch THE BIG IDEA: If you read Donald Trump’s “The Art of the Deal,” substituting “conservatives” for “contractors,” the president’s ultimatum to House Republicans on health care is not…

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House Intel Chair: Trump Administration Documents Don’t Back Up Wiretap Claim | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee on Sunday announced that evidence provided by President Donald Trump’s administration does not prove his unsubstantiated claim that his predecessor Barack Obama ordered wiretapping on Trump Tower during last year’s campaign. “Was there a physical wiretap of Trump Tower? No, there never was,” Rep. Devin Nunes…

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For One Glorious Tweet, McDonald’s Was Woke

Photo: Instagram/Donald Trump Ronald McDonald has had enough of Donald Trump’s bullshit, and he’s taken to McDonald’s official corporate Twitter account to let him hear it. What finally tipped Ron over the edge? Was it Trump’s second failed attempt at a Muslim ban, his proposed 31 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency, or maybe…

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