White House claims five-year-old boy detained in US airport for hours ‘could have posed a security threat’ | The Independent

The White House has said a five-year-old boy was detained for more than four hours and reportedly handcuffed at an airport because he posed a “security risk”. The boy, reportedly a US citizen with an Iranian mother, was one of more than 100 people detained following President Donald Trump’s immigration order. In a press briefing, Mr…

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Donald Trump firing Sally Yates isn’t the big story. How he did it is. – The Washington Post

After acting attorney general Sally Yates issued a memo on Jan. 30, for Justice Department lawyers not to defend President Trump’s immigration order, he “relieved Ms. Yates of her duties,” according to a White House statement. Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Va., was sworn in to replace her. (Jenny Starrs/The…

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Art by Jim Cooke Yes, wear a shirt with a slogan on it. Yes, put a bumper sticker on your car. Yes, flood your social media feed with your outrage. Fine. All of those are fine, and necessary, and good. But also: Call your senator. Call your congressperson. Call your governor. Call your alderperson, your…

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Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor Met with ‘Alt-Right’ Freedom Party Leader | Teen Vogue

There’s been a lot of discussion surrounding Donald Trump and the so-called “alt-right” (which is basically a term for white nationalism) in the weeks that have passed since the 2016 election. Many members of the white nationalist group have been outspoken Trump supporters, including the founder of the movement itself, Richard Spencer. Trump has also…

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1 Person Still Detained at JFK Under Trump Refugee Ban, Lawyers Say – Jamaica – DNAinfo New York

QUEENS — One person was still detained at John F. Kennedy International Airport under President Trump’s refugee ban after thousands of people protested the executive order over the weekend, immigration lawyers said Monday morning. Lawyers at #NoBanJFK still going strong. #NoBanUSA #NotOnOurWatch pic.twitter.com/AfMh3LU112 — NoBanJFK (@nobanjfk) January 30, 2017 The executive order, which the president…

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Looking for a Left/Libertarian Alliance Against Trump? Maybe Rethink Reflexive ‘#DeleteUber’ Reactions – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Constantly looking for people to punish doesn’t square with a commitment to liberty. Everything went to hell over the weekend for the immigrants and refugees who had been legally approved to live and travel in the United States but were then caught up in President Donald Trump’s terrible executive order banning them from returning back…

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Trump’s America, where even park employees have become enemies of the state | Sarah Kendzior | Opinion | The Guardian

Last Tuesday, for a few hours, Badlands National Park defied presidential orders. “Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years #climate,” it tweeted. The account went on to discuss ocean acidity, carbon dioxide and the founding mission of the century-old National Parks Service,…

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Macomb v media: voters who read little news think Trump had a great first week | US news | The Guardian

In one short week in the White House, Donald Trump has managed to shatter the tradition of the honeymoon period enjoyed by new presidents. While predecessors eased themselves into the role and were showered with national adulation, he has prompted widespread criticism with a stream of provocations. Trump has proclaimed war on the media, was…

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Customs And Border Officials Defy Court Order On Lawful Residents | The Huffington Post

DULLES, Virginia ― The U.S. government must “permit lawyers access to all legal permanent residents being detained at Dulles International Airport,” a federal judge in Virginia ordered late Saturday. But U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at this airport outside Washington, D.C., are defying the judge’s order, blocking attorneys from talking to the lawful permanent residents CBP…

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Eliot A. Cohen Responds to Donald Trump’s First Week – The Atlantic

Google Microdata Mobile only ad Article “Cover” There should be nothing surprising about what Donald Trump has done in his first week—but he has underestimated the resilience of Americans and their institutions. Google Metadata Kevin Lamarque / Reuters I am not surprised by President Donald Trump’s antics this week. Not by the big splashy pronouncements…

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