A Scene from the D.C. Women’s March

More than half a million people turned out for the march at the nation’s capital. Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images The Women’s March in Washington D.C. was absolutely breathtaking, a thing that few that were in attendance will forget. The signs were out en masse, the outfits were beautiful, the pink hats oozed solidarity, the chants…

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America First Foreign Policy | whitehouse.gov

The Trump Administration is committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security. Peace through strength will be at the center of that foreign policy. This principle will make possible a stable, more peaceful world with less conflict and more common ground. Defeating ISIS and other radical Islamic terror groups will…

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An America First Energy Plan | whitehouse.gov

Energy is an essential part of American life and a staple of the world economy. The Trump Administration is committed to energy policies that lower costs for hardworking Americans and maximize the use of American resources, freeing us from dependence on foreign oil. For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our…

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Jaden Smith is Staring Into a Live Camera in Astoria to Defy Trump – Astoria – DNAinfo New York

“He Will Not Divide Us” InstallationView Full Caption ASTORIA — Celebrity Jaden Smith was standing outside the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria Friday morning, staring into a camera to participate in a public art installation staged by fellow actor Shia LaBeouf’s art collective to mark inauguration day. LaBeouf’s group, called LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner, set…

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How Vladimir Putin won Republicans’ approval – YouTube

https://youtu.be/URCz2uc4t20 He’s an authoritarian strongman, and he’s never been more popular with GOP voters. Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com to get up to speed on everything from Kurdistan to the Kim Kardashian app….

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