Rockette Speaks Out About Donald Trump Inauguration Performance

Amidst the media storm about the pressure to perform at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, one dancer breaks rank for an exclusive interview about the turmoil behind the scenes. by KAITLIN MENZA Dec 27, 2016 31.7k The dancer next to Mary was crying. Tears streamed down her face through all 90 minutes of their world-famous…

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Combating racism is crucial to revitalizing American politics: It’s not easy, but it can be done –

Days after the 2016 election, New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote that “we simply don’t yet know how much racism or misogyny motivated Trump voters.” That’s not entirely true. Trump’s election provides an important case study in exploring how racism and misogyny galvanized support for an authoritarian populist — and how progressives can fight back against these…

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