Source Who May or May Not Be Donald Trump Says He Humiliated the Nation’s Top Reporters Today

Photo: AP On Monday, Donald Trump summoned the most visible members of the press corps—television news reporters and the executives of their networks—to his gilded apartment building, where he sat them in a boardroom and acted out his best version of The Apprentice in an off-the-record meeting from which the New York Post has nonetheless…

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Peter Thiel, who gave $1.25m to Trump, has called date rape ‘belated regret’ | Technology | The Guardian

When Mark Zuckerberg defended board member Peter Thiel’s $1.25m donation to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign this week, the Facebook CEO emphasized that support of the candidate did not necessarily constitute “accepting sexual assault”. But part of Thiel’s 1995 book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus suggests that he may sympathize more with…

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Zuckerberg: white male Facebook board member’s Trump support provides ‘diversity’ | Technology | The Guardian

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended Facebook board member Peter Thiel’s support of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a post that invoked the importance of “diversity” for the social media company. “We care deeply about diversity. That’s easy to say when it means standing up for ideas you agree with. It’s a lot harder when…

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Republicans abandon Fox News: Roger Ailes has turned GOP voters from their favorite channel –

Since January, Fox News has seen a precipitous drop in its reputation amongst its mostly conservative viewership — falling to 50th place on a list of brands most trusted by Republicans over the past two years. In 2014, the most dominant cable news channel was the 10th best-perceived brand by Republicans, according to AdAge. But in…

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Why we trust Donald Trump’s accusers but didn’t believe Bill Clinton’s – The Washington Post

In the Oct. 9 presidential debate, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump denied acting on the sexual touching he described in video released by The Washington Post. Now, several women say he forced himself on them. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) When Donald Trump brought three women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct to the…

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