NPR offers its reporters ‘Trump Training’ to handle safety threats – The Washington Post

Donald Trump’s campaign events have apparently become such a minefield for reporters that one major news organization has taken the extraordinary step of offering its correspondents a version of training for dealing with real minefields. NPR has sent its political reporters to 90-minute hostile-environment awareness training, which in its typical form lasts a few days…

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A New Theory of Trump | commentary

Clinton’s own ideological roots lie in that movement. When the president of Wellesley College yielded to the demand of protesting students that one of their number be added to the graduation program in 1969 to counterbalance the establishmentarian commencement speaker, Senator Edward Brooke, Hillary Rodham was their choice. She delivered an address in which the…

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Meet Donald Trump’s Black Supporters – The Nightly Show Video Clip | Comedy Central

Welcome back. Now, there’s beenan odd phenomena happening in the Trump campaign, and I’m not talking aboutthe Trump campaign. Uh, it’s aboutsome of his followers. And you have a lot ofblack people supporting Trump. Um, black peoplesupporting Trump? (exclaiming) So, where arethese black people? Well, I had some of themin my studio the other day,…

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Donald Trump: ‘My hands are normal hands’ – The Washington Post

Donald Trump (EPA/GARY CORONADO/POOL)   Fifty-two minutes into Donald Trump’s discussion of weighty issues with The Washington Post’s editorial board came an interlude about his hands. “Normal,” the Republican presidential front-runner insisted. “Strong.” “Good size.” “Great.” “Fine.” “Slightly large, actually.” Trump was asked whether he regretted talking about the size of his hands — and making an unmistakable allusion…

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My Trump Tweets Earned Me So Many Anti-Semitic Haters That I Bought a Gun – Opinion –

As any high-profile Twitter user with a Jewish-sounding last name can tell you, the surest way to see anti-Semitism flood your mentions column is to tweet something negative about Donald Trump. My anti-Trump tweets have been met with such terrifying and profound anti-Semitism that I bought a gun earlier this month. Over the coming weeks,…

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NBC’s Meet The Press Will No Longer Allow Trump To Phone In | Blog | Media Matters for America

Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s Sunday morning political talk show, Meet the Press, told The New York Times he will no longer allow Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump to call in to the show in lieu of appearing on camera, taking away a media advantage that has been solely granted to Trump thus far this campaign season. Trump has dominated the Sunday morning political…

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