How Much Would Donald Trump’s American-Made iPhone Actually Cost? | Motherboard

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s latest idea for how to make America great again? Force Apple to build its products in the US. Trump, in a Monday speech at Liberty University in Virginia, said he’d “get” Apple to build its “damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries.” Now, Trump didn’t…

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Donald Trump says he will get Apple to ‘start building their damn computers and things’ in the US | The Verge

The US lost Apple’s manufacturing jobs years ago, and probably for good. Steve Jobs is rumored to have said as much at a high-power Silicon Valley dinner in 2011, when he told President Barack Obama “those jobs aren’t coming back.” But billionaire kleptomaniac Donald Trump thinks he’ll be the one to get them back. Speaking at Liberty…

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The Far-Right Revival: A Thirty-Year War? – The New Yorker

Confederate-flag sympathizers rallying at Stone Mountain Park, in Stone Mountain, Georgia, in August, 2015. Credit Photograph by John Amis / Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP Barrier Status: ‘none’ In the winter of 1999, the Kansas City Star asked several local dignitaries and writers to herald the upcoming century by writing predictions, replicating an exercise that the…

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