Fearing anger from Trump voters, Va. school district may close for the primary – The Washington Post

Officials in Virginia’s largest jurisdiction want to close public schools during the Super Tuesday presidential primaries, saying they fear that supporters of Republican front-runner Donald Trump could cause mayhem at the polls. The concerns stem mainly from a state Republican Party decision — which Trump opposes — to require voters to affirm that they are…

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Broken Elephants, Part I: Donald Trump and the Triumph of the Conservative Media Machine | Ordinary Times

I Consider a simple and deceptively important question: What exactly is the Republican Party, anyway? One possible answer to this question — more commonly held than one might expect at first blush — is that the Republican Party is a group of people very loosely bound by little more than an arbitrary shopping list of…

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How 2015 Fueled The Rise Of The Freewheeling, White Nationalist Alt Right Movement – BuzzFeed News

WASHINGTON — Old-guard racists like David Duke aren’t the only white nationalists to have been encouraged by Donald Trump’s candidacy this year: His bid has also provided a tremendous boost to a newer movement calling itself the “alt right.” Up until now, the alt right labored mostly in obscurity, its internal fights and debates hidden…

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Hear the One About Jeb Bush’s Humor? You Have to Listen Closely – The New York Times

Photo Jeb Bush performed a faux striptease to reveal a “Reagan-Bush ’84” campaign shirt at his headquarters in September. Credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images The hints of irreverence can be traced to a private meeting in Coral Gables, Fla., with the soon-to-be presidential candidate and his rapper acquaintance. Jeb Bush had grown fond of Pitbull, the…

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The uncanny similarities between Rob Ford’s mayoral candidacy and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

  It’s uncanny! Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at a rally in the city, April 17, 2014, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dec. 21, 2015Photo illustration by Slate. Rob Ford by Geoff Robins/AFP/Getty Images. Donald Trump by Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images. Excerpted from The Only Average Guy: Inside the Uncommon…

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Donald Trump Thinks It’s “Disgusting” When A Woman Uses The Bathroom: Gothamist

  AP It appears all three women who were tricked into marrying ambulatory man-wig Donald Trump were born without urethras, because America’s next president thinks it’s pretty gross that females have to purge their food waste somehow. Last night, Trump said presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s decision to use a ladies’ restroom at this weekend’s Democratic…

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