‘Two dictators’: Fox News host says sorry for reference to Trump-Kim summit | Media | The Guardian

The Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman apologised to viewers on Sunday, after referring to Donald Trump’s summit with Kim Jong-un of North Korea in Singapore as “that meeting between the two dictators”. Huntsman, the daughter of US ambassador to Russia and former Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman, was discussing Trump’s arrival in Singapore with…

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Undocumented Parents Are Being Forced to Wear Yellow Bracelets

Photo: AP Another day, another nauseating peek into the hellish, unfeeling bureaucracy our country has created for undocumented parents and their children. The latest glimpse comes from a story in the Arizona Daily Star, which reported on Thursday about Operation Streamline, a fast-track program to prosecute undocumented people for crossing the border. The report includes this…

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How Free Speech Warriors Mainstreamed White Supremacists | GQ

]Last month, suit-and-tie white supremacist Jared Taylor, founder of the race-realism rag American Renaissance, was scheduled to appear at the University of Alabama. For the talk—”Diversity: Is It Good for America?”—his sponsors, Students for America First, promoted it with a tweet including the hashtag “Defendthe1st.” As it so happened, no free-speech showdown took place. The…

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