Fire And Fury doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know—and that’s why it’s important

Photo: Neil P. Mockford/Getty Images Photo: Neil P. Mockford/Getty Images “You’ve got the LeBron James of money laundering investigations on you, Jarvanka,” Steve Bannon yells at the apex of Fire And Fury, Michael Wolff’s gossipy book about the first year of the Trump White House. “My asshole just got so tight!” Thus starts nearly 2,000…

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The Trump administration’s North Korea plan pretty much starts a war –

President Donald Trump is considering a military strike against North Korea that his advisers hope, somehow, wouldn’t lead to war. It’s called the “bloody nose” strategy, and it’s based off of the idea that if America launched a limited military strike against North Korea — say, by attacking one of their facilities — that they could…

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Eric Garland Has Blown Our Cover

Image: Screengrab via Twitter Товарищи, Terrible news. Project Gizmodnik, our brilliant plan to secretly infiltrate the U.S. tech media for the glorification of Matushka Rossiya’s Great Leader Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and/or the destruction of global capitalism*, has been compromised by American “super spy” Eric Garland. Fellow deep cover Russian operatives, you may remember…

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Remember Who Michael Wolff Is

Getty A March Madness-style bracket to find the most loathed man in media might include Rupert Murdoch biographer, movie theater scofflaw, and resident killjoy Michael Wolff as its No. 1 overall seed. The ornery press critic is, as Fox News’ Howard Kurtz once said with understatement, “rarely impressed by anyone other than himself.” And immediate…

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US to make at least $285m cut to UN budget after vote on Jerusalem | World news | The Guardian

The US government has announced significant cuts in its United Nations budget obligations for 2018-2019 in what will be interpreted as a further ratcheting up of pressure from the Trump administration looking to bend decision-making at the international body to its will. In a statement released over the holiday, the US Mission to the United…

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