Eastline project, bigger than Salesforce Tower, seeks to transform Oakland – SFChronicle.com

Two blocks north of Oakland’s 19th Street BART Station are a shuttered burger stand, a public parking garage and short commercial buildings. The barren site at 2100 Telegraph Ave. could turn into one of the largest developments the city has ever seen. Named Eastline by its backers, the 1.57 million-square-foot office project would be bigger,…

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Facebook Users Cry ‘Censorship’ After Being Told Which Russian Troll Pages They Liked

Image: Wikimedia/Facebook/Gizmodo As the FBI’s investigation into Russian election interference reaches a fever pitch, Facebook rolled out a new News Feed alert Monday night. The bulletin told users who followed pages created by Russian trolls that those pages have been removed. And some of the affected users did not like this. A brief search revealed…

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Eric Garland Has Blown Our Cover

Image: Screengrab via Twitter Товарищи, Terrible news. Project Gizmodnik, our brilliant plan to secretly infiltrate the U.S. tech media for the glorification of Matushka Rossiya’s Great Leader Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and/or the destruction of global capitalism*, has been compromised by American “super spy” Eric Garland. Fellow deep cover Russian operatives, you may remember…

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