Your App Isn’t Helping The People Of Saudi Arabia

On March 15, 2002, 15 Saudi girls burned to death inside their school in Mecca. They were not trapped by fallen debris, or unaccounted for by firefighters. The mutaween, Saudi Arabia’s religious police, would not allow the girls to leave their burning school because they were not covering their hair or wearing their abayas. The…

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If we took ‘Gamergate’ harassment seriously, ‘Pizzagate’ might never have happened – The Washington Post

D.C. police detained a gunman on Dec. 4, who had walked into Comet Ping Pong, a popular Northwest Washington restaurant and music venue. Police said no injuries were reported. (Faiz Siddiqui,Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post) A feedback loop of half-baked rumors and willful misinformation whips a corner of the Internet into such a frenzy that someone…

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Men, Please Stop Manthreading

There is this thing that people (mostly men) love to do on Twitter, something other than harass women and send DMs of their half chubs. It’s called threading, and it’s one of the many things ruining my Twitter experience. Threading happens when someone has a lot of thoughts or feelings on a particular topic, so…

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Stop worrying about fake news. What comes next will be much worse | Jonathan Albright | Opinion | The Guardian

In my exploration of “fake news”, I’ve found some troubling things. And it’s not just the rightwing news network that’s worrying. I’ve recently gone back and taken a preliminary look at the leftwing media ecosystem, trying to map the hyperlinks between these sites – so I’m not trying to establish causation or assign blame as…

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How to Know What Donald Trump Really Cares About: Look at What He’s Insulting – The New York Times

The kinds of people, places and things Trump has insulted over time Charts show a 30-day moving average. Donald J. Trump’s tweets can be confounding for journalists and his political opponents. Many see them as a master class in diversion, shifting attention to minutiae – “Hamilton” and flag-burning, to name two recent examples – and…

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Kid Needs Permission Slip to Read ‘Fahrenheit 451,’ His Dad’s Response Is Brilliant | The Daily Dot

Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury’s cautionary tale about book censorship, was written as a response to the paranoid political climate of the McCarthy era, but its message apparently still hasn’t sunk in. It’s 2016, and some kids still aren’t allowed to read the book without a permission slip from their parents. Daily Show head writer Daniel Radosh…

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