Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies – The Boston Globe

  Headline Section position:Top METADATA FOR EMTAF Warnings of conspiracy stoke anger among Trump faithful Globe Staff Donald Trump is actively stoking fears that a core tenet of American democracy is in peril. By Matt Viser and Tracy Jan 20161015110757 Print Header Tabs Section Craig F. Walker/Globe Staff Donald Trump’s supporters enthusiastically greeted the candidate…

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Peter Singer, the most influential ethicist alive, says the world is actually becoming a better place — Quartz

The philosopher Peter Singer, who regularly tops lists of the most influential people worldwide, is known for his controversial, yet highly convincing, utilitarian outlook. Utilitarian ethicists believe that the consequences of an action determine whether or not it’s moral. Grounded in this discipline, Singer has argued, among other things, that: Failing to donate excess wealth…

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The US just bombed Yemen, and no one’s talking about it | Moustafa Bayoumi | Opinion | The Guardian

What if the United States went to war and nobody here even noticed? The question is absurd, isn’t it? And yet, this almost perfectly describes what actually happened this past week. While many Americans, myself included, were all hypnotized by the bizarre spectacle of the Republican nominee for president, a US navy destroyer fired a…

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‘The Daily Show’ asked Trump supporters about the leaked tape. Their answers are alarming.

  ‘The Daily Show’ asked Trump supporters about the leaked tape. Their answers are alarming. While notable Republican leaders have denounced Donald Trump in the aftermath of the candidate’s leaked 2005 tape in which ult, less attention has been paid to the everyday Trump supporter. How do they feel about their candidate’s most indicting controversy yet?…

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Bill Maher Goes After Ken Bone: ‘Too Stupid to Pick Hillary Over President Pussy-Grabber’ – The Daily Beast

HBO UNDECIDED? Bill Maher Goes After Ken Bone: ‘Too Stupid to Pick Hillary Over President Pussy-Grabber’ The jolly man in the red sweater is no “folk hero,” claims the ‘Real Time’ host. He’s just an idiot. Perhaps it was election fatigue or perhaps, amid the cacophony of sexual assault allegations, hacked emails, and ghosts of…

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