Donald Trump’s “Apology” and Patterns of Abusers (with images, tweets) · valerieinto · Storify

In the wake of recorded Trump comments which brag about sexual assault, Leah McElrath broke down his subsequent statement to provide real-world examples of common manipulative tactics of abusers. (Trigger warning, obviously.) Trump’s statement is an eerie replica of psychological manipulations made by abusers after episodes of abuse.Let’s break it down. 1. “I’m not perfect”…

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Access Hollywood, Washington Post explain how they found the Donald Trump video – POLITICO

/quality/90/?url=” data-size=”promo_xsmall_rectangle” /> “We’ll tell you all of the logistics so you understand the context,” Morales said. “There were seven other people on the bus with Mr. Trump and Billy Bush at the time. They were with a two-person camera crew, the bus driver, an ‘Access Hollywood’ producer, a production assistant, Mr. Trump’s security guard…

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Chuck Todd Owns Rudy Giuliani

The Trump campaign pulled its entire team off the Sunday morning talk shows, sending out Rudy Giuliani to speak on behalf of the Republican presidential nominee on all four broadcast networks. His appearance with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press didn’t go so well, as the show’s host confronted the former New York mayor with…

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DEBATE PREVIEW: Billy Bush suspended by NBC; ‘Trumpbart’ in action; Trump’s reality show; viewers’ guide to the town hall; ratings predictions

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