Why Is It Still So Difficult To Access The Morning-After Pill? – The Establishment

Thanks to Affordable Care Act insurance reform, prescribed contraception must be covered by all insurance plans without a co-pay, meaning the majority of Americans now have access to primary forms of birth control—their “plan A” contraception. As nearly everyone who has ever had potentially procreative sex knows, however, the need for back-up is crucial to peace of mind, whether or…

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Deutsche Bank Stock Crashes Near Single-Digits As CDS Spike To Record Highs | Zero Hedge

The “most systemically dangerous bank in the world” is in grave trouble. Despite exclamations that there is “no need for additional capital” and that “Deutsche Bank is no Lehman” investors are fleeing the bank’s assets en masse as professionals pile in to buy counterparty risk protection. With the only thing standing between bank runs and…

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CNN Launches Manhunt After Lester Holt Vanishes from Debate – The New Yorker

Credit Photograph by Justin Sullivan / Getty Barrier Status: ‘none’ HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (The Borowitz Report)—CNN launched an urgent manhunt Monday after Lester Holt, the moderator of the first Presidential debate of the 2016 general election, mysteriously vanished two minutes into the contest. Network officials became concerned after the two Presidential nominees, Donald J. Trump and…

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Fact Check And Analysis Of The First Presidential Debate With Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton : NPR

Enlarge this image Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton go head-to-head Monday night in the first presidential debate. NPR’s politics team, with help from reporters and editors who cover national security, immigration, business, foreign policy and more, is live annotating the debate. Portions of the debate with added analysis are underlined in yellow, followed by context…

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Sure Sounds Like Donald Trump Just Admitted He Doesn’t Pay Federal Income Taxes

Midway through the first presidential debate Monday night, Donald Trump seemingly confirmed he hasn’t paid federal income taxes because 1) he’s smart and 2) the government wouldn’t put it to good use—neither of which are defenses accepted by the IRS. “It’s politicians like Secretary Clinton that have caused this problem,” Trump said to Clinton Monday…

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Trump Just Falsely Accused Clinton Of “Fighting ISIS Your Entire Adult Life” – BuzzFeed News

Republican candidate Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of “fighting ISIS your entire adult life,” which is literally impossible since the group only came into existence after the invasion of Iraq. ISIS, formerly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), was formed following the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. After the revolution in Syria turned into…

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