Neil deGrasse Tyson Addresses Gender Inequality in Science on Twitter? :

  Claim: Neil deGrasse Tyson addressed gender inequality on Twitter by tearing apart a joke about women in science. false Example: [Collected via Twitter, August 2016] Origin:On 24 August, 2016, a Twitter account called “SciencePorn” (which mostly publishes interesting and amusing stories about science) posted the following joke: First woman on the Moon: “Houston, we…

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Feminist website deems the term ‘trigger warning’ not sensitive enough

As the dialogue surrounding the usage of trigger warnings and safe spaces continues on college campuses nationwide, one website has for years been enforcing an editorial policy that may further the conversation:, a self-proclaimed “educational platform for personal and social liberation,” does not use the term “trigger warning” in front of its articles, not because…

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