Blood money: How your 401k profits from bombing Yemen  –

An exclusive investigation by has traced the manufacture and shipping of bomb components from the European Union to the United Arab Emirates, and also discovered the use of bombs made by the European manufacturer in attacks by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, where potentially unlawful civilian deaths have been documented. The Germany-based manufacturer of the bomb components, Rheinmetall AG, is…

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Study Does Not Debunk Widespread Theory for Trump’s Rise

The Trumpen proletariat. Photo: Konstantin Sergeyev Donald Trump’s supporters tend to live in economically depressed areas where white residents experience exceptionally high rates of mortality — and exceptionally low rates of social mobility — according to a new study from Gallup. Some might view these findings as evidence that “economic anxiety” among the white working-class has…

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A massive new study debunks a widespread theory for Donald Trump’s success – The Washington Post

(Rachel Orr/The Washington Post) Economic distress and anxiety across working-class white America have become a widely discussed explanation for the success of Donald Trump. It seems to make sense. Trump’s most fervent supporters tend to be white men without college degrees. This same group has suffered economically in our increasingly globalized world, as machines have replaced workers in factories and labor…

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The alt-right attacks sci-fi: How the Hugo Awards got hijacked by Trumpian-style culture warriors –

For those who want to understand the social dynamics of the Donald Trump revolution — and why it is almost certain to fail — look no further than the ongoing kerfuffle over the Hugos, an annual set of awards for excellence in sci-fi and fantasy, which have been under attack by a bunch of embittered reactionaries….

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Anthony Weiner Says His Wife Never Agreed to That Documentary – The New York Times

One subject I was interested in discussing with Weiner was “Weiner,” the critically lauded documentary about his disastrous mayoral campaign. Weiner’s campaign melted down following reports of countless instances of the candidate’s tweeting dirty pictures of himself — the fallout from which was captured by the filmmakers in excruciating behind-the-scene detail. Weiner said neither he…

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