CEO ouster forces Barnes & Noble founder Leonard Riggio to postpone a retirement, scheduled for next month, while the company conducts a search for a new CEO | Crain’s New York Business

inheritedlink: /apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20160816/RETAIL_APPAREL/160819898/ceo-ouster-forces-barnes-noble-founder-leonard-riggio-to-postpone-a-retirement-scheduled-for-next-month-while-the-company-conducts-a-search-for-a-new-ceo&template=rwd& morning10: Barnes & Noble Inc. ousted Chief Executive Officer Ron Boire after less than a year on the job, saying he wasn’t a good fit for the organization and handing his duties over to founder Leonard Riggio and other executives. Riggio, 75, will postpone his retirement, which had been scheduled for next month,…

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The #1 Reason Local Blogging Fails And How You Can Increase Website Conversions Alternatively | Marshall Adler | LinkedIn

Hey there fans and followers, I wanted to shed some light on this topic of “local blogging” and why 97% of local businesses fail to increase conversions from it and I want to share my action plan for The #1 Reason Local Blogging Fails And How You Can Increase Website Conversions Alternatively | Marshall Adler…

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Why Overwatch Players Hate Genji Now

Some relatively minor tweaks aside, Overwatch’s cyborg ninja dragon blender Genji hasn’t changed much since launch. Over the past few weeks, though, I’ve come across dozens of threads begging Blizzard to nerf Genji so hard he starts throwing rubber ducks instead of ninja stars. What happened? In hero-based games like Overwatch, there’s always a “nerf…

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I, Twitter Bot – Science Friday

As of 2014, Twitter estimated that as many as 23 million of its 271 million users were bots, or automated accounts taught by code to Tweet according to the desires of their creators. For example, you might see that one bot posts a photo from NASA’s Cassini mission every hour, while others recycle politicians’ old…

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