CEO ouster forces Barnes & Noble founder Leonard Riggio to postpone a retirement, scheduled for next month, while the company conducts a search for a new CEO | Crain’s New York Business
inheritedlink: /apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20160816/RETAIL_APPAREL/160819898/ceo-ouster-forces-barnes-noble-founder-leonard-riggio-to-postpone-a-retirement-scheduled-for-next-month-while-the-company-conducts-a-search-for-a-new-ceo&template=rwd& morning10: Barnes & Noble Inc. ousted Chief Executive Officer Ron Boire after less than a year on the job, saying he wasn’t a good fit for the organization and handing his duties over to founder Leonard Riggio and other executives. Riggio, 75, will postpone his retirement, which had been scheduled for next month,…