Three Inconsistencies In Peter Thiel’s Argument For Bringing Down Gawker – Forbes

Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel speaks at the 2016 Republican National Convention last month in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.) Peter Thiel proudly acknowledged (again) on Monday his funding of an invasion of privacy lawsuit that brought Gawker Media to its knees, ahead of the company’s scheduled bankruptcy auction later today. In a prominent op-ed in…

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Web publisher LittleThings says it wants to buy Gawker Media’s Jezebel, which isn’t for sale – Recode

Here’s a tiny, tiny wrinkle in the ongoing Gawker Media auction: LittleThings, a digital publisher that specializes in Facebook-friendly content, says it wants to buy Jezebel, one of the sites owned by Gawker Media. The problem is, Jezebel isn’t for sale: Gawker Media, which is in bankruptcy, wants to sell all seven of its sites…

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Issue #02 – The Case for Donald J. Trump

Welcome to Well, Actually where I surface the opinions you’re probably not reading about a news event that’s filling your social media feeds. This week, the candidacy of Donald Trump. — To begin this exercise I need you, dear reader, to reach deep inside and pull out your reserve empathy supplies. For the next 10…

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Rio 2016: Gabby Douglas’s Olympics experience fits the pattern of how we treat black female athletes – Vox

Four years ago, at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Gabby Douglas became the first black American woman to win gymnastics’ most prestigious title: Olympic individual all-around champion. She was 16 at the time, a bundle of flash and grace in a metallic leotard. Looking back at her best event, the uneven bars, is like…

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