NYT Reporters Are Free to Call Trump a “Self-Described Billionaire” | Washingtonian

Two recent articles in the New York Times seem to signal a subtle shift in how the news organization refers to Donald Trump‘s wealth. One was published Monday: In an article about Trump’s lack of outreach to African-American voters, Jonathan Martin and Yamiche Alcindor write that “the 70-year-old white self-described billionaire has not just walled himself off from African-American voters where…

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Ivanka Trump Hanging Out in Croatia With Vladimir Putin’s Girlfriend

This weekend, Ivanka Trump and Wendi Deng Murdoch went “sight seeing” in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Deng Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife, is reportedly dating Vladimir Putin. http://gawker.com/report-rupert-… Trump and Deng Murdoch have been friends for years—according to People, Deng Murdoch set up Trump with her husband Jared Kushner. Trump and Kushner apparently traveled to Croatia together without…

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Where the Wild Bots Are: The Rise of Ad Fraud | ExchangeWire.com

Ad fraud affects the entire supply chain, but at varying degrees and with different outcomes. How are publishers affected by ad fraud and is it a bigger issue for them than they think? ExchangeWire speak with Dr Augustine Fou (pictured below), a cybersecurity and ad fraud researcher, who advises advertisers, publishers, and agencies on the technical…

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The High Price of Low-Cost CPMs

Marketing is essential for companies. Throughout the customer journey, marketing both changes brand perception and awareness and drives sales. Simultaneously, companies need to justify marketing expenses — down to the last penny. Reaching a balance isn’t easy. Too often CMOs succumb to the pressure to keep costs down at the expense of their brand’s health…

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