Where the Wild Bots Are: The Rise of Ad Fraud | ExchangeWire.com

Ad fraud affects the entire supply chain, but at varying degrees and with different outcomes. How are publishers affected by ad fraud and is it a bigger issue for them than they think? ExchangeWire speak with Dr Augustine Fou (pictured below), a cybersecurity and ad fraud researcher, who advises advertisers, publishers, and agencies on the technical…

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The High Price of Low-Cost CPMs

Marketing is essential for companies. Throughout the customer journey, marketing both changes brand perception and awareness and drives sales. Simultaneously, companies need to justify marketing expenses — down to the last penny. Reaching a balance isn’t easy. Too often CMOs succumb to the pressure to keep costs down at the expense of their brand’s health…

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Omarosa Manigault: ‘Every Critic, Every Detractor, Will Have To Bow Down To President Trump’ | The Huffington Post

Donald Trump’s director of African-American outreach has an ominous warning for all who dared to criticize the Republican presidential nominee: Soon, they will have to bow down to “the most powerful man in the universe.” In an upcoming “Frontline” special, Omarosa Manigault told PBS that the roots of Trump’s presidential campaign may be traced back to the…

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The Idea That Women Use Guns For Self-Defense Against Men Is A Big Lie | The Huffington Post

If you listen to the National Rifle Association, every woman in America should carry a gun so she can protect herself from dangerous strangers, domestic abusers and potential rapists. The message is that firearms make women safer, despite clear research showing that they actually have the exact opposite effect. A new study from the Violence…

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Trump Says He Would Only Use Nuclear Weapons in a Sarcastic Way – The New Yorker

Barrier Status: ‘none’ NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Clarifying his position on a key national-security issue, Donald Trump said on Friday that as President he would be willing to use nuclear weapons, “but only in a sarcastic way.” “People who are worried about me having the nuclear-launch codes should stop worrying, O.K.?” Trump told CNN’s Wolf…

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