Rutland laments Herald’s troubles

Buy Photo Copies of the Rutland Herald on a newsstand in Middlebury, Saturday(Photo: CORY DAWSON/FREE PRESS)Buy Photo RUTLAND – A mix of apathy and melancholy struck people Saturday in Rutland as they reacted to news that the Rutland Herald and its sister paper, the Times Argus are in financial straits. • Employees, from reporters to…

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Sources: Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Secretly Censored Abusive Responses To President Obama – BuzzFeed News

In 2015, then-Twitter CEO Dick Costolo secretly ordered employees to filter out abusive and hateful replies to President Barack Obama during a Q&A session, sources tell BuzzFeed News. According to these sources, the May 2015 #AskPOTUS town hall came out of Twitter senior leadership’s frustration with the fact that platforms like Reddit had become home…

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