LEAKED: The Lost Gawker Night Blogs

Photo: Open Road Films For every macabre, titillating or actually informative off-hours post that has appeared on Gawker dot com, there’s one that was too scandalous, too stupid or just too boring to make it onto the site. Tonight, we pull back the curtain to show you the godforsaken night blogs that were neither editor…

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Fuck This Tweet

Last week I happened upon a very bad tweet and it’s been haunting me ever since, filling me with a quiet and persistent rage I can only release through the art of the written word. From the deranged mind of Silicon Valley’s Balaji Srinivasan—member of the board of Andreessen Horowitz and CEO of some Bitcoin…

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Psychologists say single people are more fulfilled. I’m getting to understand why | Sara Benincasa | Opinion | The Guardian

There remains a pervasive notion that happiness can only truly come from finding a spouse, lest one rot of loneliness in some dusty attic. But a new study out of the University of California at Santa Barbara provides a very different view of singledom, one that this single woman finds enormously encouraging. In work presented…

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